False friends – 13: dapper vs dapper
Transcript of the video lesson – dapper vs dapper:
Hi, welcome to learndutch.org’s false friends.
Words from different languages that sound or look the same, but with a different meaning. Today the Dutch word: “dapper”, and the english “dapper”. The adjectives look the same, but they’re different. They are false friends!
“dapper” in English, is what we call in Dutch “modieus”. We can also say “hip” or “trendy”.
But, “dapper” in Dutch is what is called in english “brave”. And you remember him from the previous false friend lessons. “brave” is a false friend in itself, because it is not the same as the Dutch “braaf”.
dapper dat je die jurk aan durft ! modieus !
brave you dare to wear that dress ! dapper !
So now you understand the difference! Although I do not object if you use both adjectives to describe me, The Dutch “dapper” and and the English “dapper” are false friends!
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