Lesson 08 – conjugation of verbs
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Conjugation of verbs in Dutch: video lesson 8, is the first part of the most common verbs in Dutch. In this lesson the conjugation in the present tense is explained, which is not that difficult: singular with ik = stem, with jij/hij/zij = stem + t, plural = stem + en. There are a few exceptions of one-syllable verbs that get stem +n in plural (such as zien, doen).
Please note: this is just a brief introduction (vocabulary), giving the basics of the conjugation of regular Dutch verbs in the present tense. More about open/closed syllable verb conjugations, consonant changes, irregular verbs and the use of the present tense (place of the finite verb in the sentence) is discussed in detail in our online course #dutchgrammar.
Vocabulary list
Nederlands | English |
lopen | to walk |
hebben | to have |
worden | to become |
gaan | to go |
vragen | to ask |
de vraag | the question |
antwoorden | to answer |
het antwoord | the answer |
kopen | to buy |
krijgen | to get, to receive |
eten | to eat |
drinken | to drink |
rijden | to drive |
vergeten | to forget |
horen | to hear |
luisteren | to listen |
zien | to see |
kijken | to look |
weten | to know |
leren | to learn |
slapen | to sleep |
lezen | to read |
schrijven | to write |
spreken | to speak |
praten | to talk |
zeggen | to say |
denken | to think |
werken | to work |
wachten | to wait |
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