This course, #dutchgrammar-2, can be interesting for anyone on the level A1-A2-B1 who wants to improve Dutch grammar.
The classification A1-A2-B1 is not only about knowledge, but also about skills. Grammar is one element, which essential for all the skills (speaking, listening, reading). #dutchgrammar-1 discussed all grammar required on the A1 level and some of the A2 level. Someone who went through #dutchgrammar-1 will have A1, just doing the course. But, someone who applies correctly in speaking all he/she learned #dutchgrammar-1 , will have A2 level.
The same counts for #dutchgrammar-2. This course discussed all grammar required on A2 level and some on B1 level. If you pass the exam, just doing the course, your level will be A2. But if you apply all the content of this course correctly, your level will be B1.