Lesson 22 – dutch football vocabulary
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Dutch Football Vocabulary
Lesson 22 deals with football vocabulary. Perhaps not that interesting for the female part of the population, but for Dutch men football terminology is certainly belonging to the 1000 most common words. Football (soccer) is very popular in the Netherlands and the Dutch team is usually performing well in the international championships. Highlights are the world cup finals in ’74, ’78 and 2010 (unfortunately lost) and the won European cup in 1988. Most famous Dutch teams are Ajax, Feyenoord and PSV.
Vocabulary list
Nederlands | English |
de voetbal | the football |
het voetbal | football (soccer) |
het doel | the goal |
het doelpunt | the goal |
het elftal | the football team |
oranje | orange |
oranje | the dutch football team |
de spits | the striker |
de middenvelder | the midfielder |
de verdediger | the defender |
de keeper | the goalkeeper |
de doelverdediger | the goalkeeper |
de scheidsrechter | the referee |
de supporter | the fan |
de twaalfde man | the fans |
de eerste helft | the first half |
de rust | half time |
de tweede helft | the second half |
schoppen | to kick |
het schot | the shot |
de redding | the save |
redden | to save |
de voorzet | the assist |
de gele kaart | the yellow card |
de rode kaart | the red card |
de vrije trap | the free kick |
de strafschop | the penalty |
de hoekschop | the corner kick |
buitenspel | offside |
de kampioen | the champion |
het ek | the european championship |
het europees kampioenschap | the european championship |
het wk | the world cup |
het wereldkampioenschap | the world cup |
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