Lesson 19 – job interview

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Job application and job interview in Dutch

Video lesson 19 is about the job application process. This lesson is of course very relevant for anyone who relocates to the Netherlands. Maybe the job itself is even the reason. Of course, this lesson does not give you the vocabulary to do the whole job interview in Dutch. Nevertheless, it is recommended to learn the words well. Some terminology you just have to know, even if you plan to speak only english at the job. While discussing specific terminology, this video lesson also tries to tell as much as possible about the job application process itself and its specifics in the Netherlands.

Vocabulary list

Nederlands English
solliciteren to apply for
de sollicitatie the application
de vacature the vacancy
de advertentie the advertisement
het werk the work
de baan the job
veranderen to change
de brief the letter
de sollicitatiebrief the application letter
het cv (curriculum vitae) the resume
de opleiding the education
de ervaring the experience
het gesprek the conversation, the interview
het sollicitatiegesprek the job interview
het bedrijf the company
de zaak the company
het salaris the salary
bruto gross
netto net
de belasting the tax
het vakantiegeld the vacation bonus
de auto van de zaak the company car
het pensioen the pension
de reiskosten the travel expenses
de vergoeding the compensation
de reiskostenvergoeding the compensation for travel expenses
de collega the colleague
aannemen to hire
ontslaan to fire
