Lesson 04 – food, typical dutch food




Lesson 4 of the course “1000 most common words in Dutch” is about food. The lesson deals with the most common types of food in Dutch. But also, typical Dutch food is discussed (such as stroopwafel, drop, pindakaas, frikadel, en hagelslag). For the Dutch learner who has not visited the Netherlands yet, this course will teach you much more than vocabulary! And even if you don’t plan to learn Dutch, this lesson about Dutch food can be very helpful to the ordinary tourist, or other visitor to the Netherlands. If there is no English menu, you now know how to say food in Dutch!

Vocabulary list

Nederlands English
eten & drinken food & drinks
de groente the vegetables
het fruit the fruits
het brood the bread
de boterham the slice of bread
de kaas the cheese
de hagelslag the chocolate sprinkles
de pindakaas the peanut butter
de melk the milk
de koffie the coffee
de thee the tea
de aardappel the potato
de aardappeleter the potato-eater
het bier the beer
de wijn the wine
het water the water
het vlees the meat
de kip the chicken
de friet the French fries
frietje met French fries with mayonnaise
de frikandel Dutch meat sausage
de kroket Dutch fried ragout bar
de pannenkoek the pancake
de stroopwafel the syrup waffle
drop liquorice
de, het snoep the sweets
