Lesson 21 – animals
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Animals in Dutch
Video lesson 21 is about animals in Dutch. This lesson covers only the animals that live in the Netherlands outside zoos, such as pets and animals that you may meet in nature. Interesting fact: in the Netherlands there is political party for animals: “De partij voor de Dieren”, to favour the rights of animals and to protest against mass production of meat. In the elections of the last ten years, the number of votes steadily grows, reaching more than 4% in the European elections of 2014. In a later lesson, the more exotic animals will be covered.
Vocabulary list
Nederlands | English |
het dier | the animal |
het huisdier | the pet |
de hond | the dog |
de kat | the cat |
de muis | the mouse |
het konijn | the rabbit |
de haas | the hare |
de boerderij | the farm |
de koe | the cow |
het paard | the horse |
het varken | the pig |
de ezel | the donkey |
de kip | the chicken |
de haan | the cockerel |
de vogel | the bird |
de eend | the duck |
de zwaan | the swan |
de gans | the goose |
de ooievaar | the stork |
de mus | the sparrow |
de duif | the pigeon |
de vis | the fish |
het hert | the deer |
het insect | the insect |
de vlieg | the fly |
de bij | the bee |
de vlinder | the butterfly |
de spin | the spider |
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